Some people are fans of the Kansas City Chiefs. But many, many more people are NOT fans of the Kansas City Chiefs. This 2017 Deadspin NFL team preview is for those in the latter group. Read all the previews so far here. Your team: Kansas City Chiefs. Your 2016 record: 12-4. You’re not gonna believe this, but the Chiefs ended their season with a divisional round playoff loss at home! WHY I’M GOBSMACKED I AM. Every year, there’s a five-minute window where TV people are like, “You know, the Chiefs may very well be the best team in the AFC!” and then we all have good hearty laugh. I wanna take you back to that Steelers game for the moment, because it was the most Chiefs loss possible. Every time I think the Chiefs can’t lose in Chiefs-ier fashion, they outdo themselves. Remem…